Wednesday, June 30, 2010


After almost a year of anticipation I got to see "Eclipse" this morning with my friends Kim and Katie I had so much fun. I loved this movie a lot and I thought it was way better then the other two. The action in this one was great with so many great stunts and special effects. I enjoyed the back stories of 'Rosalie' and 'Jasper', I was interested at how they were going to portray it. It was also good to see 'Bella' have time with them something different. Of course I love all the scenes with Cullen family especially 'Alice' she is my favorite character and the ones with the wolf pack were not bad either. It was nice to see 'Jasper' speak more, usually he is quiet and trying not to kill people :) In the book we do not get to see much of what is happening with the creating of the newborns and the fight scene with the wolves and vampires. It was great to be able to see that and how it all played out. Even though I like 'Bella' and 'Edward' together I felt bad for 'Jacob'. My favorite scenes: when they learned how to fight, the battle, and the tent scene. Some of my favorite performances: Ashley Greene is perfect for 'Alice' and her leap over the wolf to get to the newborn was awesome. Anna Kendrick again stole the scenes in everyone that she was in she is such a great actress. I loved the Volturi members were great especially Dakota Fanning she how to bring on the creepy. Xavier Samuel and Jodelle Ferland were great as 'Riley' and 'Bree'. I was really glad that I read that book about Bree before I watched to movie. Bryce was good as 'Victoria' her stunts were good and the end where she meets 'Bella' and 'Edward' she did good there too. So, if I get the chance to see this movie again I will definitely go see it again :)
Kim and I got our tickets yesterday
At 1 in the afternoon people were already lined up for the midnight showingKim, Me and Katie today after the movie

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pool Party!

Well summer has officially begun and it is that time again for going to the beach and doing some other fun activities too. This summer Katie and a few other people planned some fun activities for their kids to do. Monday's are beach days and Thursday's we will be doing a different activity every week. This Thursday we had a pool party at the Jackman home (I love the Jackman family) and it was a lot of fun. The kids had a great time swimming and some of us were having fun sitting around talking and eating pizza :) I did not spend that much time in water (I did not have a suit) so I did what I do best: take pictures and helped with the kids. Some moms had newborn babies so I was pretty content for the afternoon. It turned out to be a good day and a great start to a wonderful summer. I am looking forward to the rest of the activities and for the opportunity for making new friends. Here is to a great summer!
Sweet Mallory at 5 months
Ella soaking up some sun :)
Mallory's first time in the water with mommyLevi so cute at 13 months. He had a good timeJonas had fun he swam the entire time. Susy with her beautiful daughter ElnoraLainey had fun playing in the jacuzzi Maddie had so much fun so swam the entire time too. Ella and Maddie

Monday, June 7, 2010

"The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner"

We first were introduced to Bree in "Eclipse" the third installment of the Twilight series. "Eclipse" as we know is told through Bella's experiences and we do not get introduced to Bree until the end where she is killed. Stephenie Meyer's new book "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" is a spin off to "Eclipse" and we get the inside look of Bree and the other New Born vampires. The story was told through Bree's eyes and her experiences she went though with the New Born vamps. Reading this story you feel bad for Bree. She was confused about why she was turned into a vampire and did not know what her purpose was. I felt bad for her because in the end she was not given the chance to live. She did not want to fight she was only there to find the person that she loved and and leave. I was really glad that I had the opportunity to read this book and to get a sense of what it was like from someones different point of view. I am really looking forward to seeing how the character is going to be in the movie. Speaking of..... I am getting really excited for "Eclipse" I cannot wait to see everything and how they put it together. I seems really good from the trailers that are coming out and I cannot wait.