Yesterday marked the six month anniversary of when I dropped the frozen turkey on my toe. The healing process is going very well and feels like it's taking forever. Now, it only hurts when I mess with the toe too much or on it for a long time and the nail is growing in nicely. I'm going to share some pics with you, you've been warned their not pretty to look at.
Month 1 February: I still had some swelling and pain but felt a lot better
Month 2 March: It's starting to look like a toe again rather than a mushroom :)
Month 3 April: The old nail started to get thick and new nail started to grow through.
Month 4 May: Feeling a little better and the nail is growing in nicely
Month 5 June: Love the new nail that's coming through. Got a pedicure for the first time.
Month 6 July: Lookn' great.