Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer Brings Family :)

   For the month of July we have had some visitors.  Karla, Jacky, and Alexsandra paid us a visit and stayed for the whole month.  They did the normal Disneyland over the 4th of July weekend, Sea World, Universal Studios, and did some shopping.  We celebrated Jacky's 8th early at Chuck E Cheese and it was really fun.  Carlos joined them on their last week here and he and Karla went to Las Vegas and they had a good time.  Today they left and it was so emotional for me, my mom, and especially Betty.  I really enjoyed having them here and I loved spending time with the girls.  I hope that they had a good time too.  Hopefully they'll come next summer.

 At Chuck E Cheese they have a sketch booth. The booth will take your picture and make a sketch of it.  So we took two pictures each so we could have our own :)   


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Turkey Gate Update #1

  Yesterday marked the six month anniversary of when I dropped the frozen turkey on my toe.  The healing process is going very well and feels like it's taking forever.  Now, it only hurts when I mess with the toe too much or on it for a long time and the nail is growing in nicely.  I'm going to share some pics with you, you've been warned their not pretty to look at.

Month 1 February: I still had some swelling and pain but felt a lot better
 Month 2 March: It's starting to look like a toe again rather than a mushroom :)
 Month 3 April: The old nail started to get thick and new nail started to grow through.
 Month 4 May: Feeling a little better and the nail is growing in nicely
 Month 5 June: Love the new nail that's coming through.  Got a pedicure for the first time. 
 Month 6 July: Lookn' great.