Wednesday, July 15, 2009


After waiting an extra eight months I got to see "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" today. It was AWESOME!! I really enjoyed the movie and well worth the wait. It had great special effects (as every Harry Potter movie) along with funny, tender and sad moments. Some of the actors and actresses had scene stealing moments my favorite scene stealer was Helena Bonham Carter who plays Bellatrix Lestrange. Helena Bonham Carter is one of my favorite actresses and she is perfect for the part that she plays. Another favorite part of my was when Rupert Grint came on screen he is so funny in the movies, he always makes me laugh. The only thing that ruined it for me was there was a girl behind me who was talking the entire movie. It annoyed me so much and she kept on talking even when I turned around to tell her to shut up. I cannot wait until that last movie of the series it is hard to believe that it is almost over.

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