Monday, September 7, 2009


This weekend my mom and I painted the bathroom and it turned out great. We used the Behr paint that already had the primer in and it worked pretty well. That paint really cut our painting time down because it was warm but the paint dried fast. I enjoyed painting, but I forgot how much preparing to paint stinks. But I am very happy with the way it turned out and I could have not picked a better color. Some pictures of before and after:

Also this weekend my mom and I have been cleaning getting ready for my birthday party, and we still have more to do. We cleaned to porch today. We took everything off the porch and washed it off and also brushed off the porch. So I guess you can say that we have had a busy weekend and there is still more to do. Next we are going to do the inside which is going to be a lot more work. At least the house would look nice for my party guests it is going to be a fun event.

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