Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mallory Kay Jackman

Yesterday after work I went to go visit my friend Katie and her family. She recently had her third child a girl a couple of months ago and I finally got to meet her. Katie and I have been friends for three years when we went to the same family ward for a short period of time. I helped her with her second daughter Delaney (who she gave birth to a couple of months after they started going to my home ward) in Primary where we both served. I also helped her with the kids while they were moving into a new house. They are such a great family and I love them very much and Katie is one of the kindest people I have ever met. When I saw Mallory I fell head over heels for her. She is the most adorable baby I had ever laid my eyes on and she reminded me a lot of Maddie when she was a baby. Mallory is so good and very content I would hold her forever if I could.

Precious Mallory at 2 months old

Mallory with her sisters Delaney and Maddie
Me and Mallory

A couple weeks later I got to see one of my favorite families again :) Katie's second daughter was turning 3 and she was having a birthday party. So I offered to come and spend the day with them helping out where ever I could. We spent the day running around and going shopping with the kids. I had fun and I was glad to spend that time with them and spend some time bonding with Mallory. I am sure that Katie was grateful for the help. It is December now, I thought I would add this part in and to share some more pics below that I just had to share. I cannot believe that she will be 1 at the end of this month.

She took a nap before we left the house
Mallory with big sister Maddie...
...and with big sister Delaney
Mallory at the party she is such a good baby
Me and Mallory
Mallory and Katie (her mom)

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