Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Santa Barbara

On the 17th Katie and I went to Santa Barbara for the day for our birthdays. This is the first time I have been to Santa Barbara and it was so beautiful. We decided to go the Botanic Gardens and the Santa Barbara Mission. The drive up to the gardens was beautiful with some great views. I wish that I was able to get a picture but I was unable to. When we got to the Gardens it was not what we were expecting. Walking around seemed like we were taking a hike in the woods. Don't get me wrong, it was still pretty, just not what we were expecting. We got old with it fast and we decided to go. The Mission was not that exciting either, not much to see but at least I was able to get some good pictures of flowers. We left and we found a park so that we could eat lunch and then we decided to go home. It was an OK day, but I was glad that I was able to spend the day with Katie.
Botanic Garden Pictures:

We found a slide and Katie wanted to try but
It wasn't so much fun
We had to cross a river to get back to the beginningand this is what we had to cross
The Mission Pictures:

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