Monday, February 6, 2012

Catching Up

Well I guess that there isn't much to catch up on I just felt like writing, it seems like I haven't done it in a while. December for me and my mom was a very interesting one, it seems like things tend to wait to break down during this time. This year it was the heater and the fridge and they happened to break down within a few weeks of each other. It was a good thing that nothing major was wrong and it was able to be fixed. Also, in between that I dropped my ipod in the toilet, I could not believe I did that. I was so scared to tell my mom I burst out hysterically crying when she came home from work. But everything worked out fine and it works now, I was so happy. Christmas was great, my mom and I both did good and we were both happy with what we got. We went to Rose and Lyle's house for something new and it was a lot of fun. My mom and I now are planning a trip to go to England for September for my birthday this year. I am so excited and I am bringing Kimberly I think that she is more excited then I am. We have a few things planned already and all we need to do now is book everything. Well I guess that's it for now, sorry if it was boring.

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