Saturday, September 22, 2012


  Yesterday was a very early morning for us as we embarked on a three hour journey to Clovelly.  My Aunt sent us a post card one time of the village and it was so beautiful I wanted to go.  When we got there it was very beautiful with streets of cobble stone with houses and gift shops.  We started to ascend down the steep cobble stone streets to the bottom and took a walk along the coast line looking out into the Atlantic Ocean.  We made our way into a tiny pub to get a bit to eat and I was able to get my bangers and mash, it was very good.  With our belly's full of delicious food we made our way back up the street with making some stops in the shops so we wouldn't get too tired.  As we got to the halfway point they wanted to stop but I keep on doing cause at the halfway point they had donkeys and I wanted to see them.  It felt like forever to get to the top but it was a very nice view, when we got to the top we looked around in the big gift shop.  We rewarded ourselves for our hard work that day by going to the Hoops Inn for a cream tea which was very good, it's scones with jam and clotted cream.  I had such and amazing time and today the whole family is coming over for dinner so it is going to be another good day.


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